

Multiply two values with each other.

Number|Event * Number|Event

Scalar<Number|Event> * Scalar<Number|Event> : Scalar<Number>
Scalar<Number|Event> * GroupedScalar<Number|Event> : GroupedScalar<Number>
GroupedScalar<Number|Event> * Scalar<Number|Event> : GroupedScalar<Number>
GroupedScalar<Number|Event> * GroupedScalar<Number|Event> : GroupedScalar<Number>

Two arguments of type Scalar<Number> multiplied with each other result in a Scalar<Number> which is the result of the multiplication.

If one argument is a Scalar, and the other one a GroupedScalar, then the operation is performed by taking the Scalar value and the value of each group value, which results another GroupedScalar (it has same group size, as the one from the input argument).

If both arguments are GroupedScalar, then the operation is performed by taking values with same group key, which results in another Grouped Scalar (the group size is equal or smaller than the ones of the input arguments).


Calculating 1.5 multiplied by the SUM of the PowerConsumption

1.5 * SUM($PowerConsumption)

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