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The list below the Data graph represents the datasets that are configured for the rule. Each dataset has a color assigned so that it is clear which line in the Data graph belongs to which dataset.
Delete a dataset by clicking on the "x"-cross icon on the right side of a dataset.
Change a dataset by clicking on the dataset name, which opens the dataset configuration form.
Create a dataset by clicking on "Add Dataset", which opens the dataset configuration form.
A dataset defines a set of data points which can be included in the rule's condition and the notification message.
A dataset consists of the following properties:
The name of the dataset. It is recommended to use a self-explaining name. This name can be used as variable in rule condition and rule message.
This field may be used to describe the dataset in more detail. This field is optional
This field defines whether we are interested only in a single value, or a whole time series:
Single Value: only the last matching event is relevant
Time Series: all matching events of specified timeframe are relevant
This field defines which event type(s) shall be matched.
This field defines which source(s) shall be matched. This field is optional
This field is only visible if type Time Series is selected, and it defines the size of the timeframe for the time series.