
This page provides an overview of all buildings within the system, allowing you to view and manage their details. Below is a detailed guide to help you navigate and utilize the features available on this page.

At the top of the page, you will find several filters and a search bar to help you find specific buildings quickly.

  • ID: Search or filter buildings by their unique Building ID.

  • Location: Filter buildings based on their location.

  • Status: Filter buildings by their status (e.g., Active, Inactive).

  • Event Types: Filter buildings by the types of events associated with them.

  • Event Sources: Filter buildings based on the sources of their events.

Building List

Below the filter and search bar, you will see a list of buildings with the following columns:

  • Building ID: The unique identifier for each building.

  • Location: The location of the building, including city and country code.

  • Status: The current status of the building (e.g., Active).


For each building listed, there are action buttons available to perform various tasks:

  • View (Circle Icon): Click to view detailed information about the building.

  • Edit (Pencil Icon): Click to edit the building’s information.

  • Early Adopter (Hat Icon): Indicates if the building is in the list of early adopters.

  • Star (Star Icon): Click to mark the building as a favorite for quick access.


  • Items per Page: Select the number of items to display per page (e.g., 10, 25, 50).

  • Page Navigation: Use the arrows to navigate between pages if there are more buildings than can be displayed on one page.

Last updated

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